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Giant Stick Sport 90 Aerobatic Sport Aereo Balsa 2.000 millimetri (ARF)

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Giant Stick Sport 90 Aerobatic Sport Aereo Balsa 2.000 millimetri (ARF)


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Basato su una versione modificata del Stick Ugly originale, il gigante Stick Sport 90 è il nostro introito su un aereo sportivo classico. Con divertimento volare e relax in mente, il Gigante Stick Sport 90 è l'aggiunta perfetta a qualsiasi hangar. L'ala alta, profilo alare di spessore, grandi superfici di coda, e generoso momento coda contribuiscono a un aereo che vola molto stabile.

Il gigante Stick Sport 90 viene quasi pronto a volare, che richiede l'installazione di assemblaggio e le attrezzature solo finale per completare. La cellula tutto balsa e leggero compensato è progettato per accogliere gas, nitro, o configurazioni motore elettrico. Un grande portello sulla fusoliera anteriore consente l'accesso ai bulloni delle ali e del serbatoio del carburante o il vassoio della batteria a seconda del vostro impianto prescelto. Per facilitare l'orientamento e allo stesso tempo un ottimo aspetto, la Stick Giant 90 è ricoperto da una pellicola di plastica stampata con uno schema multi colore. A completare il modello è una bella cappuccio in fibra di vetro preverniciato. Per facilitare il raffreddamento del motore o motore elettrico, un tunnel è incorporato nella parte inferiore della fusoliera, che può anche accogliere un tubo sintonizzato. Con l'alto livello di prefabbricazione solo una sera o due è tutto quello che serve per andare da banco di lavoro al campo di volo.

Trasporto del bastone gigante è facile grazie in parte alla 2 pezzo dell'ala. Una volta al campo di volo, il montaggio è rapido. La semplicità di questo modello renderà il vostro nuovo go-to aereo per ogni viaggio al campo di volo. Un carico alare luce e superfici di controllo grandi rendono questo un piano sport estremamente divertente. Ripresa tocco e va, passanti, panini, piatti giri, il bastone gigante li fa con facilità e torna per più.

• Quasi pronto a volare - assemblaggio finale completa, installare la vostra scelta di elettronica e sistema di alimentazione
• balsa leggera e la costruzione del compensato
• carrello di atterraggio in alluminio robusto con il peso leggero ruote di schiuma
• colori vivaci rivestimento stampato film plastico
• boccaporto superiore della fusoliera magnetico per serbatoio o di accesso alla batteria
• cappuccio in fibra di vetro preverniciato
• 2 ali pezzo con longherone in alluminio pesante
• pacchetto hardware completo comprende filatore

Apertura alare: 2.000 millimetri
Lunghezza: 1.460 millimetri
Peso di volo: 3600G

Trasmettitore e ricevitore 4+ Canale
.90 A due tempi / .120 motore a quattro tempi / benzina 15cc
5 x servi standard
batteria del ricevitore (bagliore)
1000W motore / ESC / batteria (elettrica)

  • Giant Stick
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3stroke | Acquirente verificato

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Mar 20, 2016

Ive had this plane for about 12 months now and due to the fact that it is very tail heavy I am running a Saito 1.80 F/S swinging a 16X10 pattern prop. The quality of the kit is really good (its actually a VQ model kit) and they do make pretty good quality kits. Even with the 1.80 on it i still had to put weight up front so its a heavy plane and the 1.80 hauls it around the sky pretty well. i have found that it washes off speed quite quickly in any sort of hard turn. The only modification i made was to put a bigger fuel tank and don't use the supplied pushrods they're way to thin. I personally think that the recommended power options for this plane are way off. It needs a big motor,,more than what they are suggesting. I would be surprised if a .90 would get this plane off the ground if it was balanced properly. Once setup this is a great value for money kit. Happy flying.

nicholas | Acquirente verificato

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Mar 10, 2016

The plane looks OK but the covering is really poor............Its the sticky type of covering that has no strength at all.......... I wouldn't pay full price for this kit .......just about worth the sale price and no more.............I have stripped the covering off completely .....even that not easy as it leaves a sticky mess on the frame......try to avoid

unleaded | Acquirente verificato

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Feb 23, 2016

ok I have just finished the assembly and I have fitted a NGH 25cc petrol and I am using standard size servo i have fitted a tow point just at the trailing edge of the wings ,I was concerned at the reports of TAIL HEAVY so i installed the ELV/RUD serves foward of the spar tube, I have two Batteries one for spark 1800 life and a 5 cell nimh 6v for the Rx I still had to add about 60grm of lead but I suspect that was due to the tow hook and release servo behind the wing ,
anyway all up weight came in at 5kg
I will maiden mid week so will update then

ROUSSELIN | Acquirente verificato

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Nov 16, 2015

The announced weight is false. Mine weighs 5400g with an engine DLE20 and 290 gr of lead on the engine. BIG PROBLEM OF CENTRING. The DOCUMENTATION IS FALSE.
Used 110mm for the CG.
It flies very well and asks for a long runway for landing.
I was obliged of moved forward the engine of 20mm and thus of made a support. Always because of the centring.

Thomas | Acquirente verificato

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Sep 30, 2015

Der Stick ist von guter Qualitt und der Preis ist super. Ideal fr den Einstieg in den Gromodellbau. Ich wrde ihn sogar zum Lehrer/Schler-Fliegen empfehlen, weil er sehr gutmtig ist. Auch die Fluglage ist gut erkennbar - Eigenschaften, die ein gutes Trainermodell ausmachen. Allerdings wrde ich einen greren Motor (ab 23 ccm) empfehlen, da der angegebene SP, mit leichteren Motoren, nur durch Zugabe von Blei erreichbar ist.
Prdikat: Sehr empfehlenswert

Anthony | Acquirente verificato

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Jul 27, 2015

This is the most tail heavy aircraft I ever bought. The manual specified a 120 four stroke engine is required. So based on this info I tried two different engines
OS 110 and RCV 130 and the airplane is still far tail heavy even with 2 servos removed from its tail end. Despite all my efforts I could still NOT balance this airplane. Hence, this airplane is useless. I can't do anything about. By the way there is an error in the Centre of gravity. See "section 18" of the manual. The wing diagram says 99mm to 106 mm while the sentence above it says 89-91mm. Confusing?

Hilmar | Acquirente verificato

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Jun 20, 2015

Habe das Modell 1 x mit 26er Benziner und 1 x mit dem C 5065 und 8S Lipo in Betrieb.
Beide Motorisierungungen erlauben den senkrechten Steigflug problemlos.
Segler mit bis 7,5 kg sind kein Problem.
Ansonsten zu diesem Preis ein echtes Schnppchen. Verarbeitung ist ok.
Fahrwerke habe ich auf CFK umgendert und die Aufnahme verstrkt.

janie | Acquirente verificato

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Apr 07, 2015

I have a CRRC 26i installed. Weight is 4kg. Performance is very good, unlimited vertical. Superb aircraft.

KENNETH | Acquirente verificato

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Feb 24, 2015

I used an ASP 90 glow motor from HK ( superb engine). However, I encountered the same problem reported by others, plane was tail heavy. After some discussion with my club members I decided to move the elevator and rudder servos to the forward locations, using 5mm hollow carbon rods and 3mm control rods with 3mm clevises at the servo and horn connections. I added over 300 grams of lead ballast drilled, screwed
and epoxied to the front end of the engine bearers. I beefed up the undercarriage by adding a large alloy plate to the fuse to spread the load on landing together with 100mm low bounce wheels.
These modifications provided me with a super stable and highly aerobatic plane. A great follow on to a trainer.

Drehblech | Acquirente verificato

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Oct 17, 2014

Habe mein Modell mit einem DLE20 ausgerstet. Um kein zustzliches Blei zu bentigen, habe ich die beiden Hhenruder Servos nach vorn verlegt und die Anlenkung ber Bowdenzge realisiert. Der Erstflug verlief vllig unkritisch. Mit dem Schwerpunkt bei 106mm macht man nichts verkehrt. Das Modell fliegt wie auf Schienen, Starts Stall erhalten und Landungen sind unproblematisch.
Beim 2. Flug kam es zum Hhenruderflattern und Verlust eines Hhenruders. Die Landung mit nur einem HR war kein Problem. Ursache war sicher das Spiel in meiner Bowdenzuganlenkung. Nun habe ich die HR Servos, wie vorgesehen, ins Heck gebaut und am Motortrger 200g Blei befestigt.
Die Schaum Rder werden sicher robusteren Gummirdern weichen. Die passen nicht zum Modell Gewicht.

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