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F4U-4コルセアウォーバードEPO 1200ミリメートル(PNF)

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F4U-4コルセアウォーバードEPO 1200ミリメートル(PNF)


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1 year warranty
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私たちのコルセアは空に取る準備ができて、バッテリーと無線システムの選択をインストールし、F4U-4バージョンで、プラグに到着し、フォーマットを飛ぶ、ちょうどいくつかの基本的な組み立てを必要とします。完全に成形されたEPOの機体は、必要なハンドツールの夫婦のみ、大騒ぎの最小限で迅速かつ容易に一緒に行きます。スケールの詳細はアンテナ、パネルライン、ロケット、増槽と、素敵な4ブレードプロペラを含むこのモデルのリアリズムに追加します。リトラクタブル主車輪が現実的な急降下爆撃アクションのためのモデルをクリーンアップします。大きいサイズは、それがより多くの風を処理することを意味し、非常に安定しており、フィールドでみんなを感動されます。バッテリーをインストールするには、胴体の内部へのアクセスは、安全なロッククリップを備え、大きなアクセスハッチを介して行われます。 ESCは、あなたの4S 14.8V 2200〜2600mAhのリポを受け入れる準備ができXT-60コネクタがあらかじめ配線されています。その後、ちょうど、6チャンネル送信機と受信機のあなたの選択にドロップし、最終的なセットアップを行う、と飛びます!

•プラグアンドモデルを飛ぶ - ちょうどバッテリーとラジオのあなたの選択を追加

サーボ:7 x9g マイクロ
モーター:3648 480kvアウトランナー

XT60コネクタ/ワット4S 14.8V 2200〜2600mAhのLipolyバッテリー

  • 1200mm Corsair

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Eddie | 確認済みの購入者

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Its Pretty but not Practical

Nov 24, 2016

I got this plane because I love the Corsair. The maiden was a complete nightmare. With a 2200 4cell as far forward as i could get it the plane was so nose heavy i struggled to get it back on the group in one piece. It you were to remove the top cowl screw and replace with something much shorter you would gain the added room you need for proper battery placement. Mine met a fiery end do to the battery being pierced from that screw in a crash. If you want a nice wall piece then get it. If you want a fun flying plane this is not the one for you.

Zachry | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

May 08, 2016

Only good thing I can say about this plane is it looks good. Otherwise, the moter is rubbish, the airleron and elevator foam hinges are weak, the control surface clevises are the worst I've ever come across, and the 4 blade prop is impossible to find. The worst part about the prop is that if you do want to change it to a two or three blade, you will need to change out the motor as well because of the low 480kv rating you won't get the thrust or Watts needed, and if you change out the motor to one that is the same size with a higher kv, you will also need a larger ESC as most motors in this size range require at least a 60amp ESC. If all this is something you feel comfortable doing after paying $200 for a 1200mm plane, than so be it but in my opinion, there are much better options out there. Also, in the video it states that the tail wheel is retractable, and it is not. Luckily I hot this on sale, otherwise I would be really mad at my self for purchasing such rubbish. This is by far the worst HobbyKing plane I have purchased to date.DONT DO IT!

DAVID | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Apr 23, 2016

Hey folks PLEASE CLICK 'LIKE BUTTON" As I've spent many many hours finding the PARTS YOU WILL NEED to make this plane worth purchasing. And a tip & trick. for those having difficulty with "QUALITY".

This plane is not for beginners. It must be modified. THE LOWER PRICE REFLECTS THIS. however don't consider this a pnp type build-it isn't. With that said, the plane can be built using my pain as your gain.

1 wing has weak area where wheels retract into wing. Reinforcement required (ASK ME IF YOU NEED MORE)
3) 4 blade scale propeller. MUST BE REPLACED/ BALANCED (this is the game changer folks as HK provides no spares NOR SPECS-I spent los of money and time finding specs and solution TO MAINTAIN SCALE 4 BLADE LOOK. NOT EASY.

If you fly as is you'll burn up motor AND get 4 minutes fly time MAX. Noe I get 15 minutes if I don't go nuts. Devil is in the details. I've reviewed open and honestly before, only to have HK remove. This time I stop here, maybe if you click like it will not get removed and then give more detail and pictures. THANKS FOR YOU APPRECIATION!!!

Charles | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Apr 18, 2016

poor quality plane, very disappointed. push-rod too long for elevator and one of pushrod for aileron has no tread, need to order other part from amazon. bad instruction, spent 3 hours to identify each servo cable then connect to receiver. Want my money back, think the chance is low after reading other people's bad experiences.

mauro60 | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Feb 01, 2016

bisogna anche proporre i ricambi per questo modello come eliche e carrelli retrattili perch non si trovano da nessuna parte

applewood | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jan 03, 2016

F4U-4 great model. Lots of good scale features. Although spares are not available from hobbyking, they are readily available from aliexpress. Model is still being manufactured by unique models.

| 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Dec 27, 2015

Muy bueno, hay que hacerle un par de retoques pero en general es un avin uymuy completo

mrstude | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Nov 28, 2015

Nice plane but, has some issues. Horizontal stab was warped. Rudder and elevator control wires are the wrong length. Tail wheel screw nut was missing. Poor quality glue. And wing to horizontal stab alignment is bad, possible twist in fuselage. Hopefully I will fly it this week !

Le | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Sep 20, 2015

I received this plane about three weeks ago, one of the landing gears did not function, the connection to the flats were loose, the actual electrical lugs needed to be replaced, One quality is very poor, one of the wheels are not even round. I did put a cliam through 3 weeks ago, by no feedback from HK yet. There are little things that could easily be attended too, that would make the model much better, lets hope the QC on these models get better.

Tonylm | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Sep 08, 2015


ce modle est a dconseiller, il n'est pas a la hauteur de ce que vends habituellement HobbyKing!!!

il n'y a pas de clef d'ailes, la fixation des ailes se fait par des vis dans de la mousse (cela ne tiendra pas longtemps), le train rentrant est de belle qualit mais trop lourd pour ce modle, il faut le retirer, le centre de gravit n'est pas mentionn dans la notice. les servo semblent vraiment faiblards

en rsum, ce modle peut faire joli dans une vitrine, mais ce n'est pas un truc qui fera de longues heures de vol !!!

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