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HKPilot OSDで設定されたメガ2.7マスター、LEA-6H GPS、電源モジュール、テレメトリラジオ(433MHzの)(XT-60)

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HKPilot OSDで設定されたメガ2.7マスター、LEA-6H GPS、電源モジュール、テレメトリラジオ(433MHzの)(XT-60)


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1 year warranty
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HKPilotは急速に進化し、洗練されたArdupilotメガまたは「APM」、3DRのロボットからのオープンソースプロジェクトに基づいています。この驚くべきフライトコントローラはで、ユーザーがさえウェイポイントと自律ミッションをプログラムされたタスクの広い範囲を実行することが可能な任意の固定翼、回転翼、またはマルチローター車(でも船や車)完全に自律走行車への、有効にすることができます高精度のLEA-6 Ublox GPSが含まれていました。


HKPilotメガマスターセットが含まれています:NEW HKPilotメガ2.7、超精密Ublox LEA-6H GPSモジュールを統合コンパス、双方向データ、アップデート10sのパワーセンサとBECモジュールのための新しいスタイルのテレメトリラジオセット、ミニムOSD v1.1のとマウントFPVのフィードバック、プラグアンドプレイの経験のための完全なマッチング・ケーブル・セットのための台座でオフに設定し、フライトコントローラの例、テレメトリラジオ、GPSを終了します。

この製品は、オープンソースに基づいているAPMプロジェクト 3DRロボットから、クリエイティブコモンズライセンスあたりのCADファイルは、ファイル]タブで入手可能です。 APMプロジェクトは、利用可能な最良のシステムの一つであると、このオープンソースのフライトコントローラを押して何千人ものユーザーによって支持されています。

•自動データロギング用の4 MPデータフラッシュチップに内蔵

ミニムOSD v1.1の




  • HKPilot Mega 2.7 Master Set

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Juan D | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

May 19, 2016

Nice flight controller and there is a lot of information about it in the net. I configured the APM with Mission Planner and placed it in a Talon tricopter. I don't use telemetry but I do get video streaming and OSD data with a Mobius cam and gimbal. In files tab I uploaded a picture with the wiring diagram I used. Hope this help!!! Happy flying!!!

Svein Olav | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

May 24, 2015

Great product, only have to remember to remove the jumper on the apm to enable the external compass unit in the gps module.

Used this with a tarot 680 hexa, 600kv motors and 13x4.5 props. 9x radio with fr-sky and open9x.

Wery happy using this APM together with the missionplanner software on my nexus 7 tablet computer.

I would recommend this to anyone!

sshireto | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Mar 08, 2015

Came as described, works out the box with Mission Planner. Maidened today and all the functions work, Return to Home, Stabilize and so on. Still trying to learn how to use it, it has a lot of functions. Also works great with DroidPlanner on Galaxy S5! Thanks HK!

| 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Feb 16, 2015

Ottima centralina completa di tutto. un po difficile la configurazione e nei vari tutorial si da per scontato che tutti sappiano come fare tutti i collegamenti. Se avete dubbi contattatemi.

Mark | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Feb 06, 2015

HKPilot vs. Naza Lite vs. KK2

I've tried them all now. I know these aren't all of the choices but in my research they are the most popular. The KK2 was first and it was a great introduction into flight control boards. If you are new to this, I highly recommend you invest the $30 in a KK2. The education is priceless and will prepare you for the next step LEARN HOW TO FLY IN MANUAL MODE WITH THE KK2.

The Naza Lite was next for me and it was quite a step up! The GPS feature which enables RTL (return to launch or COME BACK!) was very cool. The software is very simple and the documentation was great. I loved that the application ran on a Mac. Sadly I lost that Hexcopter (I built a 550 Flamewheel knock-off) to a fly-away that was my fault entirely. It is out there somewhere and I still hope to find it. As I was learning about the Naza I started to become curious about the APM board (the HKPilot is Hobby Kings version). I read a bit and it sounded really interesting. I was on the verge of purchasing when I lost my Hex so I went for it and built another just like the last but with the APM.

The APM (HKs version is the HKPilot) is in a whole nother league on all levels. The board itself is amazingly flexible and will move your copter to a true drone (defined as autonomous flight). What I needed most with my last Hex was some telemetr

Kefta | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jan 22, 2015

It's a good set for the money BUT:
-The build quality is not good enough I could scratch some tiny balls of solder , enough to short pins
- "Bad Compass Health"
- why on earth did you place the screws on the bottom side ?!!! What If I need to access the board after placing it with the sticker

Kefta | 確認済みの購入者

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Jan 20, 2015

"Bad Compass Health" all the time
I switch to external compass then the alarm disappears
When I take the board away from the copter I can do the compass calibration, but when I put it back, I can't get it to calibrate and work.

Bobby | 確認済みの購入者

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Jan 14, 2015

I have to give pretty good review of this product. The quality is of the product is spot on. Very nice. All components together in one kit is a plus. The only problem is that it is not newbie friendly. It takes a lot of setting up, and with no directions, it takes some research to find documentation and directions. If ya don't know what you are doing, you will go through a lot of props and maybe some frame parts. I have mine flying in stabilize and can loiter but when I try RTL it gains altitude and then falls out of the sky. Still working at it, I have hope.

| 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Nov 28, 2014

Brilliant piece of kit and having it all together si good too. The cases make it look a bit more professional and the telemetry modules have worked well so far. There is lots of information available on the web about these units but finding a simple wiring diagram was not easy. so what went where and what you could and couldn't do with the device is unknown until you get used to it. Some instructions would be great, even a wiring diagram and links to online places to find more information would be massively beneficial. 110 and no instructions........

Sergi@ | 確認済みの購入者

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Oct 23, 2014

Il kit completo. Il mio arrivato con il power module con un filo staccato quindi prestare attenzione. si installa in modo molto semplice ed i picoblade sono gi predisposti per l'inserimento di tutti gli accessori. La FC funziona egregiamente e con mission planner controlli tutto alla perfezione. Per il momento la sto usando con i settaggi standard, ma le possibilit di set sono veramemte infinite. Consiglierei di acquistare anche il segnalatore led/buzzer (HK non lo ha) perch capire quando armato oppure sel il gps fix se non hai MP vicino pu essere difficile. ottimo prodotto.

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APM tricopter wiring diagram Download [45]
APM tricopter wiring diagram Download [53]

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