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HobbyKing FPV250 V4ブルーゴースト版LEDナイトフライヤーFPVドローン(ブルー)(キット)

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HobbyKing FPV250 V4ブルーゴースト版LEDナイトフライヤーFPVドローン(ブルー)(キット)


Now save 節約 $17.07 $17.07

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Was  $20.06

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HobbyKing FPV250ゴーストV4版のドローン、楽しい機能が飛んで大きなFPVと夜とミニサイズのドローンをご紹介します。

FPV250は単なる250ミリメートルでで測定するミニサイズのFPVドローンです。この耐久性のある、安価なFPVマルチロータープラットフォームは、FPVのレースや障害物コースの飛行のために、あなたの地元の分野で完璧で、今半透明フレームと向きのための小道具や直面しているダウン超高輝度を点灯完全アー​​ム長上部対向LED付き日中のフレーム全体の夜空に輝き、さらに可視を作る白色LED。含まセンター配電基板はまた、補助コンポーネント用に5V UBECシステムが組み込まれています。

一体型のフレームは、FPVの地方巡業を行って、まだ唯一の110グラムの重量を量るために、あなたに自信を与え、非常に耐久性です。フロントプラットフォームは2サーボパン・チルトカメラのセットアップとリアプラットフォームを扱うように設計されていることすべてが素晴らしく、バランスのとれた保つために、ビデオ送信機をサポートしています。 FPV250は、最も人気のあるフライトコントローラのための十分なベイ大きなセンターがあり、保護のためのトップクラッシュケージが含まれています。確実に高G操縦のための場所でバッテリを保持するために下部にある4つの統合されたストラップのスロットがあります。 FPV250モーターマウントは、1506年2208年にモーターから何かを扱うことができ、通気腕はあなたの7〜12AのESCの冷却の多くを提供しています。

HobbyKing FPV250は命知らずの障害物やスペックClassFPVレースとなりました夜間飛行の楽しみのために準備ができて予算志向のFPVのバッシャー、です。これは、レースシーズンが開始する準備をしているあなたのFPVのスキルを練習を開始する時間です!

•5V UBEC及びPDBに建てられました


1つのx電池800〜1300mah 7.4〜11.1V(2または3セルLipoly)

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ewb | 確認済みの購入者

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A really neat quadcopter

Dec 02, 2020

I like it, the quality was pretty good on my example. It does light up spectacularly at night too. People could mistake it for a UFO. The polycarbonate frame does have a little bit of flex to it, but not enough to be a problem. The frame should hold up well in crashes though.

lero76 | 確認済みの購入者

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Jul 18, 2016

Nice cheap frame kit that is very easy to setup. just note there is a bit of soldering as you would expect. it is a very stable platform and flies very well. Just be wary the legs are a bit easy to break but they can easily be made from something else to replace them. I made a new one from a small piece of aluminium and it works just the same.

VTPete | 確認済みの購入者

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Dec 17, 2015

Like many, I snatched up a few of these in various colors during the 2015 cyber sale. They were practically giving them away. I found the lack of any instructions typically disappointing. But, I had put together the black models before so I pretty much understood what I was getting into.

The LEDs are definitely the reason to buy this. I find red and green to be poor choices for the bottom as I'm a bit red/green color blind and from a distance, it's difficult to determine orientation. Those of you with proper vision won't have any problems.

The power distribution board is a nice touch. Just remember that the 5V and 12V output pads are clean power for your flight controller and FPV equipment... don't try to power an ESC from the clean 12v pad like I did, or you won't get past 1/4 throttle on that motor.

The way your bolt down your PDB and FC to the frame is rather poor, but it works.

In summary, it's cheap. The plastic is indeed hard and brittle, but I haven't cracked mine yet. I think the bottom line is that after you spend over $100 for motors, ESCs, flight controller (and more for FPV), why would you want to put it all on a fragile frame? For me, it's a cheap and fun platform for spare parts. I'd buy it again, but not for building an FPV racer, just for a night time fun quad.

lee | 確認済みの購入者

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Aug 23, 2015

Good kit, but absolutely no instructions! Luckily if you google "FPV 250 build" there are plenty of guides online.
The motor mounting plates do not have holes to fit standard 4 hole motors. These will need drilling (or just don't use them and mount direct onto the arms.
The LED strips are not marked, apply power to each one before you mount to determine the correct colour.
The BEC on my dist board did not work for 5 or 12V, didn't matter as I use the one on my ESC.
This kit works brilliantly with a standard KK2.1 board. I bought a KK mini and so had to make an adaptor plate for it to sit on so it could sit above the dist board.
The protective cage on the top will not fit once you have the dist board and FC fitted. You will need spacers to raise it. You will then also need to drill and tap the fitting holes to take a nylon spacer rather than the small screws supplied.

peekay | 確認済みの購入者

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Aug 07, 2015

I doubt anybody could complain about this frame. Using KK2 controller with firmware by Steveis. Baby beast 2206 motors and 12a afro speedy combo pack. Turnigy 3 cell 1400 mha battery and gem fan 6040 props, although the 5030 clear props it comes with are ok. Very stable, fast if required and easy to fly at night, I don't loose orientation as easily because the LEDs work awesome. The built it power distribution board is easy to work out. The motor mounting is a little confusing, you put it all together first or you can't slot the feet in later. Drill the mounting brackets a little bigger and use longer screws, but not too long so as to spear the motor windings.

Carsten | 確認済みの購入者

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Jun 13, 2015

Ich liebe diesen Rahmen. Sehr gut sind die Leds im dunklen , aber auch im hellen zu sehen.
Auch ist der Rahmen stabiler als man meint. Nach einem rasanten Flip ist er mir
sehr hard aufgeschlagen. Es ist nur eins von den vier Landegestellen gebrochen.
Sie knnen sehr leicht ersetzt werden. Ich habe jetzt den blauen und den orangen Rahmen.
Bin einfach zufrieden.

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