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あなたは、箱から出してすぐに極端な速度をお探しですか?もしそうなら、我々はあなたがカバー持っています。ウルトラ100 + MPH Radjetはここにあります!

エクストリームスピード、簡単な組み立てと邪悪な美貌、これら三つのことは、すべての新しいウルトラRadjet PNF飛行機を総括します!耐久性のあるEPOフォームから構築、ウルトラRadjetは、このモデルが可能である極端な速度を処理するための完璧な1タフな飛行機です。翼は、高速飛行中に何フレックスを保証しないために大きな炭素繊維翼スパーで補強されています。

Radjet超強力な電源システムは、最大速度にそれを推進、さらには100MPH *を超えることが可能です!このモデルは、2つのデジタルメタルギアサーボとエレボンのセットアッププレインストールされています。サーボがあっても、フルスロットルで所定の位置に制御表面を維持するトルクの多くを提供しています。簡単に言えば、このPNFモデルは、速度のために造られました!

付属ブラシレス発電システムは、3S及び4S lipoly電池の両方で使用することができます。二つのプロペラは、箱、5×5と4.75x4.75に含まれています。あなたが使用するどの電池一致するプロペラを使用する必要があります。 4Sのために、4.75x4.75を使用します。 3Sと5x5の。どちらのセットアップは、あなたが本当の100 + mphの速度を探しているスピード狂である場合しかし、あなたは4S lipolyセットアップを使用したいと思うでしょう、優れた性能を提供します。

上記の飛行のビデオをチェックアウトしてください。私たちは、このモデルが飛ぶことができるどれだけ速く示すためにQuanum GPSロガーを使用しました!

右のボックスのうち•100 + MPH *


モーター:2839 3000KVブラシレスアウトランナー (付属)
ESC:60Aブラシレス (付属)

3〜4S 1800〜2200mAhのlipolyバッテリー

*注:100 + MPHの速度は4S lipoly電池の使用を必要とします

  • HobbyKing® Radjet Ultra 100MPH Airplane 790mm

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| 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jul 08, 2016

Haven't tried this one out yet due to bad weather condition

Simon | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Feb 18, 2016

Not happy at all, the top speed was only 120km/h (75mph). The stickers was barely attached to the plane. Here's my review:

Ptag1 | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Feb 15, 2016

Can't get her to fly. As soon as I give it power it just doesn't fly correctly. I tried tons of different setting and have concluded the motor or bec noside is killing the receiver but I can cut the throttle and it will glide ok. As soon as I give it power I can't control it. I think it goes full up elevator.
Been flying RC for 46 years and never seen anything like this. But then again I am using the cheapo Turnigy i6 radio. Maybe a different receiver could handle the noise better. It goes on the shelf for now. I am done with it.

Simon | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Feb 08, 2016

Quite nice package, but here is what I don't like with this plane: The stickers falls off very easily, one of the roderhorns were not glued in and the BIGGEST reason I dislike this plane: It is not a 100mph airplane. I used the Quanum GPS, and my top speed, with a new 4s battery, was only 74,5 mph!

My experience with this plane described with one word would be, disappointed.

Here's how to build it:

Brett | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Dec 15, 2015

The plane goes together really easily and everything was in PC when it arrived. I can honestly say this things is insane, its very quick and remember to dial down your throws if its your maiden and your going to get up it. Its response at speed is insane and I should have dialled down the throws myself. Third fight I was low and fast and must have touched the stick a little too much and a millisecond later it had banked right, hit a small stand of trees, broke a 1 inch sapling in half and peeled about half an inch from the trunk of another sapling all in the process of disintegrating. The damage to the plane was fatal, but the damage to the two trees was a little scary. Great plane though. Would I buy another, hell yes but dial down the throws.

| 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Sep 18, 2015

This plane is absolutely amazing. The speed it goes is incredible. Out of the box it is reasonably easy and fast to put together. Only thing is at 80 mph and above the plane is very responsive. Dial in expos about 30 for the ailerons and the elevator doesn't need any

Brian | 確認済みの購入者

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Jul 21, 2015

I have owned numerous hand toss pushers throughout the years, the most similar to this would be a Stryker. I bought the ready to fly minus the RX. Tried hand tossing this bird 4 times, I even had a 15 foot drop off I was tossing over and two times it would belly land. Thought I would put some up elevator in on the next toss but it would stall and drop to the left or right. After the 4th attempt it broke the nose off. It just does not seem to have enough thrust. Static current on a 3S 45C 2200mAh battery was 33 amps. Not sure what to think but it didn't work for me. And yes I had the correct propeller for the 3S battery. Once again you get what you pay for Hobbyking, I should stick with the parkzone/eflite products.

Zoe | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jun 30, 2015

First flight with this plane was with a 170 degree view 600tvl micro FPV Camera situated in the cockpit at pilot eye level using a custom micro VTX and antenna. Having a pilots eye view was awesome, hoping to get an OSD to overlay the console in the cockpit view for a complete nerdgasm. Outfitted it with a 4s battery for the maiden flight, tons of power on tap and cruises along at a 1/3 throttle. Had a friend try to follow it with his 4s capi and he couldn't keep up with it :D

Product shipped missing a couple parts- HobbyKing sent out replacements that required modification. Bit frustrating- deducting a crown for that.

Chris | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jun 29, 2015

I am not sure if this plane will fly on a 3s battery. I had to add quite a bit of lead to get the CG right and my first flight resulted in the plane gliding a short distance and coming down hard and breaking a prop. My other major concerns with this plane are the quality of the foam is not very good, the stickers/decals are not staying on and there are no skids on the bottom of the plane.

stick426 | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

May 15, 2015

wow this thing zips. running mine on a 5x5 prop. stock set up- with a 4s 1800 40c discharge no problems, 12 flights so far

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