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新しいHKPilotマイクロは、利用可能な他の場所で、以前の亜種の既知の問題にすべて同じ偉大な修正でHKPilot 2.7アーキテクチャに基づいています。それは創造今人気の35ミリメートルのフォームファクタにはるかに小さいフォームファクタに再設計され、まだ元の完全な機能とポートを保持しています。 HKPilotは急速に進化し、洗練されたArdupilotメガまたは「APM」、3DRのロボットからのオープンソースプロジェクトに基づいています。この驚くべきフライトコントローラは、ユーザがタスクであっても中間地点でGPSのミッションをプログラムし、フォローの広い範囲を実行することが可能な任意の固定翼、回転翼、またはマルチローター車(でも船や車)完全に自律走行車への、有効にすることができます(オプションのGPSモジュール付き)私の能力。

様々なユーザインタフェースは、ログ、スマートフォンやタブレットのためにも、いくつかのアプリを見直し、プログラミングのために利用可能です。オプションのテレメトリラジオはあなたに完全な制御を与える双方向の無線通信を可能にし、お使いのパソコンやタブレットに戻ってライブデータを提供します。何のことはできないとこのフライトコントローラが可能であるもののリストがすぐに機能、飛行モードおよびサポートされるプラットフォームで、上回りました。 APMプロジェクトは、利用可能な最良のシステムの一つであると、このオープンソースのフライトコントローラを押して何千人ものユーザーによって支持されています。


•自動データロギング用の4 MPデータフラッシュチップに内蔵


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  • HK Pilot Micro

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Matthew | 確認済みの購入者

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May 18, 2016

Despite the fact that you are stuck with older arducopter firmware, this is still a really neat flight controller. The small size makes it practical in situations the original APM was not and the price is good for what it is. My biggest complaint is the wiring, I had to do a lot of splicing and dicing to make everything work with my setup. It works great once you get everything setup and tuned though. There are plenty of youtube videos / websites about the APM, so it's easy to find solutions to common issues.

Matthew | 確認済みの購入者

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May 04, 2016

I replaced a old APM 2.5 from 3DR with this and couldn't be happier. The form factor is much easier to work with and I'm already familiar with the configuration. It's almost a drop in replacement for the APM 2.5, except you will have to make cables for the 3DR power module, Telemetry/OSD, and possibly GPS. Once you get all the cables made, it works exactly the same. I just use this thing for Stabilize/Althold/Acro and it does that very well.

| 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Aug 31, 2015

Might be worth noticing that this APM does not work with latest ArduCopter 3.2.1, but rather with 3.2 only. It is a setback especially since it took me half of weekend to figure out why there is no real feedback from the board (compass, gyro, RC stuff not moving while plugged to USB). Once I updated to ArduPlane firmware and confirmed everything works, I was able to single out the firmware as a problem.

| 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Aug 29, 2015

Easy to set up, build quality looks and feels solid. I have everything all hooked up and ground tested, now for a maiden flight! I am impressed so far1

leithalweapon | 確認済みの購入者

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Aug 29, 2015

Everything is as advertised except the barometer is very glitchy and will not hold altitude. Vibration levels are well within acceptable limits, but the baro will still put out very large spikes.

Lucamax | 確認済みの購入者

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Aug 26, 2015

After some days of test I have return the board to HobbyKing.
The board after a while became extremely hot , around 60 Celsius
I add a little heat disspator on the two IC between the Usb port and the reset button and solve partially the problem but the board was very difficult to tune .
I had to always to trim a lot at each flight, there were oscillations impossible to eliminate with PID tuning.
Alt Hold did not work well even if there was a low vibations level, but the baro test report 42Celsius while the room temp was 19, do not know if that affects Alt Hold.
Then the compass stop to work and I decide to return the board.
My quad was a 250 mm class with 5040 props and a AWU weight of 170 - 230 grams (with Mobius camera).
I have mount on the same frame and setup a standard APM board and if flew perfectly without any tuning at first try.
It might be my unit with problems but I was deceive by the board quality.
If you purchase this product you should remember that the last version of APM firmware that can be load on a 8 bit board is the 3.2.1.
Some spare extra connectors and cables would be welcome .

joeprice22@hotma | 確認済みの購入者

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Aug 11, 2015

Piece of garbage. Many QC issues apparent in this FC which of course affect it's performance. Not fit for purpose as advertised.

Aaron | 確認済みの購入者

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Aug 09, 2015

This is my second APM board. Up graded from Naza32 to this on my 250 quad. Love how locked in this seems to be compared to the naza. This is a great value for all the feature this board has to offer.

markjcw | 確認済みの購入者

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Jul 12, 2015

I have two of these boards purchased on separate occasions. Both have problems. First one generates a lot of glitches on the barometer and other sensors, it can function in stabilize mode but not loiter, I suspect a bad barometer. Second unit will not do an initial calibration, sporadically will not connect to USB, and is unuseable. This makes three bad APM clones from Hobbyking, the first one was a different model which had poor solder joints on the USB which detached and destroyed the board.

drotschopf | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

May 09, 2015

much better than my old crius v1, my deadcat flyes great with this

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