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Turnigy Reaktorの300W 20A AC / DC同期バランス充電器/放電器(EUプラグ)

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Turnigy Reaktorの300W 20A AC / DC同期バランス充電器/放電器(EUプラグ)


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1 year warranty
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最高のは今だけでも良くなっています!充電器のTurnigy Reaktorの範囲は、それらの大きな力と小柄なサイズのために知られている、最新のTurnigy Reaktorのオファリングは、この式で立ち往生しているが、それは今のAC電源に内蔵されたが含まれています。

充電器/放電器のバランスを取るこのハイパワーは、20Aの充電レートまでを提供し、正確6Sリチウムポリマー/生命や17SのNiCd / NiMH電池を扱うことができます。 Reaktorの300Wは、それが今、ストレージ充電、巡回充電/放電、10充電パラメータメモリと高電力バランサを提供しています超高充電レート機能を提供するだけでなく。

Turnigy Reaktorの300WはあなたのR / Cモデルのバッテリーのためのソリューションを充電するオールインワンのパワーハウスです。


入力電圧:10〜28V DC、100〜240V AC
バランスをとるための電流ドレイン:350mAh /セル
リチウム(LiPoly / LiIo / LIFE)セル数:1〜6シリーズ
インテリジェント温度制御: はい
重量: 千グラム

電源リードと1×TurnigyのReaktor 300W充電器
1×充電リード - なしコネクタ


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Frank | 確認済みの購入者

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Simply the best!

Jul 01, 2017

I have four of these chargers. It is the best charger I have ever had and I have had a few.
I drive 5th scale brushless onroad and I have three of these with me on the track. I use one for my tireheaters (Works great as a powersupply, you can set voltage, amps, timer and watch amp draw on the screen), and two for my LiPos. I can charge my 6S 6000Mah at 2C with these.

| 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Aug 17, 2016

Powerful and easy to use charger.

However, when balance charging, the fan goes up and down in speed all the time.

Guess it's because the fan speed is set to auto, and can be overridden using manual speed, but I would like it as low as possible all the time, not going up and down, but rather a steady pace.

António | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jun 29, 2016

It is my first charger but I'm super happy with it.
I usually charge 2 batteries 2S 6000mhA (12A) and only now with more heat (summer time) is that the fan started to work is always fresh.
Not the cheapest Chargers but have 300W and 20A without a Power Supply its awsome ....
I would do it again!

| 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jun 23, 2016

Good charger but a bit expensive.

StonyCow | 確認済みの購入者

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Jan 27, 2016

Ist mein erstes richtiges Ladegert, aber ich vollends begeistert! Die erste Bedienung bentigt zwar etwas Zeit zum Einlesen, aber das sollte man ja eh tun wenn man solche Gerte bedient.

Die Verarbeitung ist sehr gut und stabil.

Vom Funktionsumfang her ist er auch sehr gut ausgestattet und hat mir auch schon erfolgreich geholfen einen tiefenentladenen Akku zu retten!

Man hat die Wahl ob man das integrierte Netzteil nutzen mchte und das Ladegert ans Stromnetz anschliet, oder aber an eine andere Gleichstromquelle (wie zum Beispiel unterwegs an die Autobatterie).

Meiner Meinung nach sehr zu empfehlen!

Drago | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Dec 25, 2015

A great buy. This is actually combined Reaktor 300W 20A charger and Reaktor Pro 350W 23A PSU, and the combo is actually a rebrand of Junsi iCharger 206b and Junsi P350 350W PSU. So all quality parts! Charger and PSU are well combined so you can utilize full 300W. Both fans are independently temp controlled so during low power or cold temperatures it runs fan-less and on higher powers is slowly increases in speed/noise. Even on full 300W power it's not to loud. It has many features like resistance measuring (of each cell), regenerative/resitive 300W discharging and you can actually use it to charge LiHV packs since you can manually set termination voltage up to 4.35V/cell! I gave it 4 starts for quality since there is 1 fault on my unit, slight cracking/poping noise/coil wine. It's not loud and you notice it only when none of fans are running, but it's a shame since without it the charger would be perfect!

Ben | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Dec 17, 2015

This is an awesome charger. I had it for several months now, mostly charging lipos. I was often charging at 6s 13A and it got significantly warm, almost too warm to touch. I put a computer fan next to it and it was fine. I can only warmly recommend this product!

Andreas | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Sep 21, 2015

It's my first charger but i like it :) Solid build, looks nice and lots of functions. Easy to use.


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