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  • 標準システムには、レコード対気速度、高度、RPM、温度、4サーボチャネルの動きやグリッチ、受信機電圧にすべてを含み、
  • すべてのデータは電源を切ってもデータを保持する永久メモリに記録されます
  • 以下の利用可能なアクセサリー、モニター・アンプ、パックボルト、g力、EGT、及びそれ以上と!
  • ログインしてチャンネル:16
  • 英語とメートル単位のフルサポート
  • 290MPHに〜9MPHから対気速度
  • リアルタイムベンチ監視用のUSBライブモード
  • 高度に25,000+フィート
  • USBプラグアンドプレイ - 必要はありません新しいドライバ!
  • Windows Vistaでは、98SE、ME、Win2KでとXPとの完全な互換性
  • 軽量 - ユニットとケーブルで約1.5オンス
  • シンプルかつ迅速な取り付けと取り外し
  • バッテリーなしで飛行データを保持します
  • リアルタイムでグラフィカルな飛行再生
  • Excelの互換性のあるデータ出力
  • 超低消費電力 - の周りに35ミリアンペア
  • 内蔵ステータスLEDは電源投入時にバッテリーの残量を示し、
  • 調節可能なキャプチャレート
  • 強力な組み込みのグラフ
  • 将来の拡張のための拡張ポート
  • NEWは:今はる​​かに長い貯蔵時間のために、無損失データ圧縮と、元のレコーダーのオンボードメモリを4Xを持っています。
  • NEW:対気速度の向上、高度の監視より高い精度を意味し、あなたのモデルの送信機からの干渉なし
  • NEW:増加した電圧と電流精度



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Sloperdude | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jan 13, 2010

I was almost going to buy a V3 Logger instead, but two things changed my mind: When I put the Data Recorder in the shopping cart the price was considerably lower than listed here, and the Data Recorder has rate of climb information, and a variometer function when used in conjunction with the OSD Pro.

| 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Oct 24, 2009

facile installer, prcis souhait,montage sur axn

Cees H. | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Mar 27, 2009

This is a very good tool to see what happens inside your plane during the fight. Good speed sensor and altitude sensors.

Talos | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Oct 06, 2008

Is the best , off and with , telemetry data collector, for RC use

ROUTIER | 確認済みの購入者

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Eagle Tree FDR

Nov 14, 2007

This is my second purchase of the FDR! Last WE I fly (maiden) a Discus 2C glider 5m span and all the records where very usefull and in particular the flying altitude!

In fact on our club airfield whe are limited at a flying altitude of 150 m. What a surprise when reading the datas from the FDR: I was almost above the limits! The maximum altitude was close to 500m!! In that case the FDR is for safety reason not only usefull but must be a mandatory equipment and next time I will set an audio alarm on the dashboard!

Peter Egresi | 確認済みの購入者

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EagleTreeSystem data recorder

Nov 14, 2007

This system my the best decision. I try it in my all airplane, and I can chose for my brushless motors the best prop with this system.

I can see current of motor, RPM, lipo V, speed.. etc in same time.

I suggest an "Electric Expander - 140 Amp" for this kit and "brushless RPM sensor".

Robert Baumgarten (3. Part) | 確認済みの購入者

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Eagle Tree USB Flight Data Rec

Nov 14, 2007

The Datas are displayed in digital or analog Units (round Instruments) on the Computer Screen and the Software allows us to display them in several ways. Therefore there is an almost 100% "See-Through" when testing or optimising your Models. Off course the Software (and the mounting skills) need a little practise in order to get everything out like you want, but this Unit is really extremely helpfull, especially when used together with the optional wireless data transfer unit called "Seagull". Just a thought for all other Users: This Unit can also be used in many other applications, such as boats, cars, robots a.s.o.

The Data Logger could be outfitted with all the needed Units to really see what is happening in the plane/model, therefore it is the best "gimmick" for all pro-pilots and teams or technically interested hobbiysts.

Robert Baumgarten (2. Part) | 確認済みの購入者

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Eagle Tree USB Flight Data Rec

Nov 14, 2007

But several tests (on various Electric and Nitro/Jet Planes) showed that the small data cables where not able to generate any big glitches on the receiver signal.

Therefore the system could be used (or especially here) in very high cost planes - like jet powered ones.

The basic functions are often used and could help to eliminate any issues with the servo connections. But if you do not only want to know how fast the plane is going and want to optimise the overal power you will love the AMP Draw Modules as they could help (in Co-Work with the Driving Battery Voltage and the Motors Temperature) to select a suitable Prop for the Plane. The use of the Brushless Motor measurement Unit would be the next step. The Unit has two small cables wich will be connected to the main Power Line from the ESC to the Motor (NOT Inline, just parallel). The RPM readings are very accurate and could help to archieve a given goal much better.

The next logical step would be the measurement of the Speed and G-Force at a given Speed or flight situation. This Step is recommended for all users who want to built a big or a special plane as the forces during a flight are really high. We found out that in some cases forces of up to 27G will be reached on some Jet Planes. This helped us a lot in making the machines better and more durable - imagine a break down/crash only due to a wrong thickness of a servo mount during the flight!

The Datas are displayed in digital or analog Units (round Instrumen

Robert Baumgarten (2. Part) | 確認済みの購入者

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Eagle Tree USB Flight Data Rec

Nov 14, 2007

But several tests (on various Electric and Nitro/Jet Planes) showed that the small data cables where not able to generate any big glitches on the receiver signal.

Therefore the system could be used (or especially here) in very high cost planes - like jet powered ones.

The basic functions are often used and could help to eliminate any issues with the servo connections. But if you do not only want to know how fast the plane is going and want to optimise the overal power you will love the AMP Draw Modules as they could help (in Co-Work with the Driving Battery Voltage and the Motors Temperature) to select a suitable Prop for the Plane. The use of the Brushless Motor measurement Unit would be the next step. The Unit has two small cables wich will be connected to the main Power Line from the ESC to the Motor (NOT Inline, just parallel). The RPM readings are very accurate and could help to archieve a given goal much better.

The next logical step would be the measurement of the Speed and G-Force at a given Speed or flight situation. This Step is recommended for all users who want to built a big or a special plane as the forces during a flight are really high. We found out that in some cases forces of up to 27G will be reached on some Jet Planes. This helped us a lot in making the machines better and more durable - imagine a break down/crash only due to a wrong thickness of a servo mount during the flight!

The Datas are displayed in digital or analog Units (round Instrumen

Robert Baumgarten (2. Part) | 確認済みの購入者

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Eagle Tree USB Flight Data Rec

Nov 14, 2007

But several tests (on various Electric and Nitro/Jet Planes) showed that the small data cables where not able to generate any big glitches on the receiver signal.

Therefore the system could be used (or especially here) in very high cost planes - like jet powered ones.

The basic functions are often used and could help to eliminate any issues with the servo connections. But if you do not only want to know how fast the plane is going and want to optimise the overal power you will love the AMP Draw Modules as they could help (in Co-Work with the Driving Battery Voltage and the Motors Temperature) to select a suitable Prop for the Plane. The use of the Brushless Motor measurement Unit would be the next step. The Unit has two small cables wich will be connected to the main Power Line from the ESC to the Motor (NOT Inline, just parallel). The RPM readings are very accurate and could help to archieve a given goal much better.

The next logical step would be the measurement of the Speed and G-Force at a given Speed or flight situation. This Step is recommended for all users who want to built a big or a special plane as the forces during a flight are really high. We found out that in some cases forces of up to 27G will be reached on some Jet Planes. This helped us a lot in making the machines better and more durable - imagine a break down/crash only due to a wrong thickness of a servo mount during the flight!

The Datas are displayed in digital or analog Units (round Instrumen

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