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XY 26cc C-スペックV2ガスエンジン

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XY 26cc C-スペックV2ガスエンジン


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XY 26cc C-スペックV2ガスエンジン




重量:1.0 キロ
ボア/ストローク:34のx 28ミリメートル
RPM:1500 -万
電源:1.5キロワット@ 10,000RPM
推奨小道具:18 * 6〜10月16日* 8〜12
CDI電圧:6.8V MAX(6Vがベストです)

これは修正されたスクーターモーターではありません。これは、R / C大規模な航空機のため、純粋に設計されています。地域に建てられた他のほとんどのガスプレーンエンジンとは異なり、このモータは、設計粉砕し、旋盤加工、鍛造、鋳造、テストされ、大規模なR / Cプレーンのために必要な比率を、重み付けするために最良のパワーを提供する単一の目的で組み立てました。


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donnie951 | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Aug 12, 2010

i got two and so far have used one runs very good on a 18/6 18-6 apc prop i get 7200rpm The 26cc is the best engine on the market, for its price and its just a little larger than a 120 im using a 25 to one mix the engine has very well made but you should check all the bolts to be sure they are tight the cd unit gets warm it would be good idea to have air blown over it i will cut the prop drive key slot to change the timing to run clockwise

donnie951 | 確認済みの購入者

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Aug 08, 2010

got two very good price and they look very nice one had bad threads on the prop stud but hk sent me a replacement very fast thanks hk

Donnie McEntyre | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jul 01, 2010

I purchased two of the XYZ's 26's C Spec. Very nice machine work. They are very close to my 120 FS in size. One of my engines had bad threads on the crank but HobbyKing replaced it with no problem. Very good customer service and very happy with the engines. Also, I am going to have one of the prop adapters reslotted in the key way because I do believe the engine will run in opposite direction by changing the timing. Thanks Hobby King!

Alberizio | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Feb 24, 2010

Too many diverging review opinions about gas engines sold by Hobby King. This makes us affraid of investing in such machines. Should not the quality control be improved? Many CDI wire broken, mufflers not fitting, metal scraps, gas leaking and so on make us think that buying these engines is a lottery.

Andrew | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Dec 29, 2009

Engines run well, started first time develop suitable power and seem to be reliable. Ordered another 2. Put them both in a Cessna 310. See the video here.

vinh nguyen | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Dec 07, 2009

I got my xyz 26cc engine on july,2009.when I try to start up I saw fuel leak from cab so I sent it back to hobbycity for repair.Ijust got it back last week but a cdi has no spark I have a good nica 6v batery.I feel very bad about this engine

顧客 | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Dec 07, 2009

I bought my xyz 26cc last 2 months ago and I coud not start up so I sent it back to them to fix then they just retuned it to me last week now I foud down that the cdi has no spark. i use 6v nica batery.I am very disapoint about this engine.

JimW | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Nov 17, 2009

XYZ 26cc C-spec and A-Spec .... what's the difference between the two besides price? Descriptions appear the same!

顧客 | 確認済みの購入者

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Nov 15, 2009

Excelente Motor se recibio empacado a la perfeccion, un poco de vibracion mientras afloja, sin embargo mientras mas vuela mejora la potencia y disminuye la vibracion, mejor helice despues de varias probadas 16x6 aunque con 16x8 da mayor velocidad

Celso Costa - BR | 確認済みの購入者

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Oct 31, 2009

Equipei meu Stick de asa 1,8m que usava um OS 61 SF e ficou timo. S o montante de chapa de ao estampado teve uma orelha de fixao rompida por fadiga. Projetei e construi um montante usando 04 redutores de vibrao com 2x10 cm de perfil "U" 20x15mm, de aluminio #3mm. Com vibrao reduzida, o motor ficou melhor ainda.



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