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AVIOS Albatross HU-16 V2 US Coast Guard Flying Boat Replacement Canopy/Cockpit Hatch

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AVIOS Albatross HU-16 V2 US Coast Guard Flying Boat Replacement Canopy/Cockpit Hatch


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A replacement canopy/cockpit hatch for the AVIOS Albatross V2, includes the clear window glazing.

Note: This is suitable for the Albatross V1, but of course, the colors will be different.

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SA-16 Hatch | Проверенный покупатель

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Cockpit/Hatch Cover

Mar 11, 2022

I order this item for the HU-16 in US Navy markings that came out about 3 years ago even though I knew it was for the US Coast Guard version. The one for my US Navy version was damaged in a bad landing and it has not been available as a replacement part, so this was the only choice. It will need to be repainted, but I knew that before I order it. It is a perfect fit & size.

Original Albatross | Проверенный покупатель

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Replacement for original Albatross

Feb 11, 2022

I was looking to repair a crashed original Albatross hatch from a crashed plane. I was disappointed not to be able to buy the replacement, but at least was able to buy the new version for a replacement. Spray painted white, then put stickers on the windows. Looks great, but wish the version 1 parts were still available!

Juliaan | Проверенный покупатель

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Perfect fit .

Jan 17, 2022

Also fits perfectly on the Albatross V1 only the color scheme is different but the paint is easy to remove and adapt to the V1 version, the clear windows are very nice, only the price has increased significantly compared to the first version.

Хорошо | Проверенный покупатель

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Jan 17, 2022

Calidad 10

Juliaan | Проверенный покупатель

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Good replacement part .

Jan 08, 2022

Fit the Albatross very well even the old version ,only the pain scheme is different, this one has clear windows beautiful .

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