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Boeing P-26A Peashooter EPO 800мм (ПНФ)

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Boeing P-26A Peashooter EPO 800мм (ПНФ)


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Boeing P-26 был первым американцем производства цельнометаллический истребитель и был первым преследование моноплан используется армейской авиации США. Разработанный и построенный Boeing, прототип совершил первый полет в 1932 году и стал одним из фронтовых истребителей, используемых USAAC между 1933 - 1938 г. Следует отметить, что P-26A был до сих пор используется в армии США авиационного корпуса, как в конце 1941 года в Филиппины.

Миниатюрная "Peashooter" - как он стал ласково называют пилотов службы, был быстрее, чем предыдущий американский боевой самолет с максимальной скоростью 203 узлов. Конструкция анахронизмом с проволочной приготовился крылья, шасси фиксированной и открытой кабины представляла собой разительный контраст с европейскими бойцами эпохи.

энтузиасты Масштабные будут любить такелажа провода из нержавеющей стали, пышно деталь Pratt & Whitney фиктивный двигатель, панель линий и масштаб кабины, в то время как яркие цвета точно представляет схемы краски USAAC того времени. Планер изготовлен из прочного пенопласта EPO и предлагает высокую производительность полета для модели такого размера. Время строительства сведено к минимуму с умными функциями, такими как болт на крыле и хвостов. С сервоприводы, ESC и двигатель все время установлены на заводе-изготовителе, все, что вам нужно будет сделать, это установить свой собственный приемник и аккумулятор, чтобы иметь свой Peashooter в воздухе в кратчайшие сроки. Масштабы такелаж провода легко снимаются для транспортировки и есть много энергии из предварительно смонтированные скороход двигателя. Классические фигуры высшего пилотажа, как кабина поворачивается и бочки являются гудок, однако P26A столь же счастливы летать на шкале скорости.

Высокий уровень детализации шкалы включая Манекен звездообразный двигатель
Super Tough EPO Строительство
Вилки и летать, просто добавить свой собственный RX и LiPoly!
Простой и быстрый монтаж
Отличная Довоенные лакокрасочное покрытие с квалифицированно прикладной горкой Переводные картинки
Такелаж провода в комплекте
Легкий доступ батареи Hatch
Жесткая Под каретке большого диаметра, узких колес, отлично подходит для травы Полоски
Болт на оперении
2 х Реквизит В комплекте

Технические характеристики:
Span: 800мм
Длина: 682mm
Вес: 600г
Двигатель: 1200kv Outrunner
ESC: 20 Вт / BEC
Сервопривод: 9g х 4

4-канальный радио
1300mAh 3s LiPoly
Зарядное устройство

  • Boeing P-26A Peashooter EPO 800mm
  • HK P26A Peashooter
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Flichter | Проверенный покупатель

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Nov 28, 2013

Wow. Had the maiden flight today, totally awesome. Now that the emotions are cleared time for facts. She has ample speed performance. If anyone wants more I wouldn't understand why. Takeoffs are predictable IF you have done your homework. The tail wheel must be set correctly, check the centering. Full up elevator must be applied in the initial taxi run to reach a point where you have good airflow over the fuse. Gentle pressure off the elevator will reward you with a very controllable rotation and you will notice that it is airborne on about 1/2 throttle. Gentle application of the up elevator will see it rapidly gaining height. Now the fun begins. It flies where you put it. Ailerons are very effective and rolls happen in the blink of an eye. It will not forgive pilot error or bad flying. Loops are huge, Immelmans intersting, chandelles exciting, high speed passes exhilerating. Now, it is probably nose heavy. Go 53 mm back from L.E. First landing saw me run out of elevator authority requiring it to be flown onto the ground as it didn't want to flare. For settings use differential on the ailerons with no more than 8 mm up and 5 mm down. Elevator 15 mm up and down rudder 25 mm both ways. If you use expo 30pcnt works for me. I fly tight sticks so these settings suit my style. This plane is energetic, looks great. You could almost do 3D but why would you? Fly it as it is meant and y

Flichter | Проверенный покупатель

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Nov 24, 2013

Just a few pointers that might help modelers in setting up their plane. Be very careful that you check the orientation of your control surfaces. Most servos are set to rotate cw when rudder, aileron turn right and elevator goes up. Because everything is designed for rapid assembly the focus is on quick not on correct. Also, aileron servos are not set up for differential operation where there should be more up than down. Too much down gives adverse yaw. Using ailerons is about reducing lift not increasing drag. Too much down aileron is like having a flap on one side;not good.
Modern radios like the excellent Turnigy have a plethora of functions that are often used for compensating for poor installation practice. Get all of this right and you will have an excellent flying aircraft. This plane is just so right in the air you will love it. Buy one!

Flichter | Проверенный покупатель

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Nov 24, 2013

I am biased but have always had a weakness for Golden Age aircraft and tthe P26 is way up there on the desire scale. Have read a few articles and reviews about this bird and I have raised the odd eyebrow or two. One point in question is the wheels being in backwards, well, try orientating them first! Tail wheel was not eccentric at all, the rubber tyre just needed massaging into round. Model went together well although tight especially for the battery and esc. Rigging was fun and the springs such a good idea. Wheel spat mounting screws were difficult to set up but all the rest was fine. Tail wheel needed some adjustment to centre properly but that was only 2 turns on the clevis. Paint has not adhered well to all parts of the plane but it is a buzz to weather the plane with some acrylic. It is such a plane with character, you just have to get one! Flying review soon.

Daniel | Проверенный покупатель

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Aug 29, 2013

I received my P-26 and am quite disappointed in the packaging. There are several areas on the body and wings where the paint has been rubbed off due to poor packaging. Such a shame as it is truly a pretty paint scheme. I am rating it low only because of all the marks from the packaging. I will do a review on assembly and flight later.

Holger | Проверенный покупатель

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Jul 28, 2013

Der HAMMER!!!!
Wie echt, der Zusammenbau in krzester Zeit, kein Klebstoff ntig.
Sehr starkes Fahrwerk, das sitzt tief und gut.

Gabor | Проверенный покупатель

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Jun 27, 2013

The paint flaked off the parts straight from the box. The foam seemed brittle. The wiring for the external braces were no fun to install. I thought for sure this little thing might last one take-off and if lucky some kind of fixable landing or two.

With all that said it is has stood up quiet nicely and is a lot of fun to fly. Great size for transport and looks good on the shelf. If you get it please take the time to wire it properly. Not easy to fly but very rewarding.

Robert | Проверенный покупатель

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May 29, 2013

This is my first product from HobbyKing, and I'd say my experience with it is a mixed bag

THE GOOD STUFF: HK is to be commended for bringing so many relatively little known aircraft to market. Their P-26 is a really attractive and unique aircraft, and for the price you're paying, this kit is a solid value. Some reviews elsewhere (RC have questioned whether the stock motor has enough power. I would say it does in spades! On the maiden flight, I handlaunched it at full power and it fairly leaped from my hand, and was up to a safe altitude for trimming in no time flat!

THE NOT SO GREAT: While the over structure of the aircraft and the quality of the included electronics are just fine, the documentation leaves a lot to be desired. One thing they don't address is how to put the vertical stabilizer/elevator in the too-small slot in the back. There is a 'cone' at the back of the stab that you either have to cut off so it will fit in the slot, or cut material out of the back of the slot opening on the fuselage so the whole assembly will fit. I opted for the former. Not a big deal, but for someone whose experience up to this point has been with Parkzone kits, I was a little surprised to see this not thought through, addressed, or mentioned.

Another maddening issue is paint quality. While the foam itself is fine, the paint, particularly the blue of the fuselage, f

David | Проверенный покупатель

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Apr 30, 2013

I purchased this plane after reading about how nice it flies. However, I was extremely disappointed with a number of things. First, the paint rubbed off very easily. I had blue and yellow fingers from just handling it while putting it together. Next, issue had to do with installing the flying wires. I had an extremely hard time crippling the metal crimps. Finally, on its first flight the ESC gave out and the plane crashed.

Recommend, to anyone purchasing this model to coat the plane with some some type of clear paint and replace the ESC.

Also, Hobbyking needs to supply parts.

Keith | Проверенный покупатель

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Apr 25, 2013

A very charismatic aeroplane, almost Disney cartoonish. The paintwork lets go a bit, but contributes to that "worn" look. The pilot is great, complete with legs, and with a resigned bemused look on his face. Take-off is good on rough grass, with those large narrow wheels. Speed is required to maintain height, which makes for a rather lively performance; a bit skittish in any wind above 10mph. I put 20mg of lead in the battery cover. Landings are good; as the speed drops off, it slows to a stable landing with no tip stall.

David | Проверенный покупатель

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Apr 17, 2013

Just picked this model up from US warehouse and all I can say is WOW! A stunningly beautiful model airplane dripping with scale detail. Paint and decals are superb. Can't wait to build and get in the air. Well packaged. Great job HK!

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