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HGD цифровой 250 MetalGear & подшипник 21g / .21s / 4.0kg

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HGD цифровой 250 MetalGear & подшипник 21g / .21s / 4.0kg


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HG Digital Servo 21g
Сделано в Корее, диапазон ИНО-LAB сервоприводов предлагают превосходное качество, точность и надежность.
Превосходный хели хвост серво или для точных парковом реактивных элеронов.

High Torque
Metal Gear Внутренности.
Шариковый подшипник поддержки
Может обрабатывать самолет с большими поверхностями управления до 15lbs

Скорость: .21sec / 60deg
Крутящий момент: 4.0kg
Вес: 21g
Размер: 30x13x31.5mm

  • Servo Крутящий момент ( кг ) (мин . 0,01 кг ) 4.00
  • Servo Скорость (п / 60deg ) 0.21
  • Servo А ( мм ) 37.00
  • Servo В ( мм ) 30.00
  • Servo С ( мм ) 32.00
  • Servo D ( мм ) 13.00
  • Servo Е ( мм ) 40.00
  • Servo F ( мм ) 21.00

Dimension Diagram Guide

  • attributeset-11


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Take2Flight | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Apr 09, 2014

This servo seems like an incredible value. No sign of any mechanical slop or buzz or any other complaints. Every one has appeared perfect and very strong performance at an excellent price and very low weight. Go INO!

thomas d. | Проверенный покупатель

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Certified Buyer Rated

Nov 12, 2013

Super Servo, kein Spiel, auf V-Leitwerk fr Hotliner ohne Probleme!! Preis 1a!!!

Elias | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Apr 30, 2013

Sie sind sehr stark, arbeiten sanft, przise und sind stellgenau.
Ich benutze diese als Flchenservos in einem 4m Segler und
in einem 3m Elektrosegler.
Klare Kaufempfehlung!

rwallage | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Jul 27, 2012

I have two of these, to go into a M60 sloper. Just bench tested them by hanging a kilo bag of sugar from them. No problem lifting the weight. No problem centering. Looks like a good buy.

HG 250 MG | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Apr 08, 2012

Nicht zu empfehlen. Von 4 Servos waren 2 Stck innerhalb von 4 Flgen defekt.

1 x Getriebe (ist brigens nicht komplett Metall)

und 1 x elektron. Problem. Rckstellgenauigkeit auch nicht so toll.

Meine Empfehlung: Den reis nicht wert, da Qualitts-


halcon | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Feb 14, 2012

this are the best servos for replace Hitec HS 85, more powerfull, very good centering and good price

Ujjwaana | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Jan 25, 2012

A Great servo for the price. Metal, Digital and centers well. I bought it for my Scratch build Kyten Delta. Much better than Henge servo as these dont jitter. Haven't used Hitech HS-85MG, but these look as good.

steliosh | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Oct 13, 2011

Works perfectly in my Thunder Tiger KT8 kart, for steering...

I actually didnt use the supplied plastic servo posts, but instead installed it in place using double sided tape and used a kimbrough servo saver. Excellent for the job!

philippe | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Jul 04, 2011

I bought 8 of these for an F3J sailplane (uses 6) in assembly now (i.e. the servos have not flown yet). They all work, seem to have good torque and are reasonably fast. I would be very happy with these servos if they didn't show these 2 undesirable characteristics: 1 - play of the servo output shaft varies substantially from servo to servo, some have nearly no play (great), some have more than I'm used to. Makes me wonder about the quality of the gears. 2 - the digital resolution of the servos is poor. When moving the stick slowly you can see the servo jumping from step to step. It would not be a big issue unless you use these servos most of the time at very low throw, like in my case for the flaps of my sailplane. Another situation would be 3D airplanes, the controls would be jerky in non-3D mode. Analog servos I've been using over the last 20 years have gotten me used to better performance than this. These servos are cheap for metal gear & digital, but I don't get the benefit of digital unless the controls have acceptable resolution. If will not buy these servos again for any application requiring fine controls.

albino | Проверенный покупатель

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jun 26, 2011

first time I took this servo, the quality is impressive and they are extremy fast

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