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HobbyKing® ™ высотомер

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HobbyKing® ™ высотомер


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HobbyKing® ™ Высотомер является автономным, маленький, легкий и удобный аппарат для записи высоты и изменения температуры на протяжении всего полета. После того, как вы закончили полет, вы просто подключить высотомер к компьютеру с помощью прилагаемого USB-интерфейс и скачать все записанные данные полета, который отображает высоту / температуры / времени график для каждого рейса. Работает на вашей RX, Н-король высотомер мал и достаточно светло, чтобы быть установлены практически на любой модели и поставляется с монтажной пеной & инструкции.

Технические характеристики:
Размеры: 21x13x5mm
Вес: 1.3g
Разъем: 1,25мм контактный
Рабочее напряжение: 3.7 ~ 8.4V
Рабочий ток: <7mA
Загрузить Интерфейс: USB
Диапазон Высота: -500 ~ 9000m
Высота Точность: 0.3м
Диапазон рабочих Temp: -20C ~ 65C
Точность измерения температуры: 1c
Отбор проб Fequency: 1Гц / 2 Гц / 4 Гц / 8hz
Емкость запоминающего устройства: 63H (1Гц)

  • HK Altimeter
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Malcolm | Проверенный покупатель

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Hobby King FD-A Altimeter

Jul 09, 2020

As stated below, my altimeter wouldn't work because it could not find the serial port. Well, I worked it out. The front USB ports should not be used as they don't directly connect to the motherboard. The rear ones do and, when plugged in there, the altimeter worked. I was able to upload and review recorded flights.
Now I have ANOTHER problem. I decided to record more flights. Plugging the FD-A into the USB port the blue light came on, as per the handbook, and then it started flashing. I tried to upload data and nothing happened. The blue light kept flashing. I cleared all data on the FD-A via the FD-A screen and then recorded more flights. I plugged it into the PC again and the blue light started flashing after a few seconds - and it still wouldn't upload data! HELP!

Malcolm | Проверенный покупатель

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Hobby King FD-A Altimeter

Jul 09, 2020

As stated below, my altimeter wouldn't work because it could not find the serial port. Well, I worked it out. The front USB ports should not be used as they don't directly connect to the motherboard. The rear ones do and, when plugged in there, the altimeter worked. I was able to upload and review recorded flights.
Now I have ANOTHER problem. I decided to record more flights. Plugging the FD-A into the USB port the blue light came on, as per the handbook, and then it started flashing. I tried to upload data and nothing happened. The blue light kept flashing. I cleared all data on the FD-A via the FD-A screen and then recorded more flights. I plugged it into the PC again and the blue light started flashing after a few seconds - and it still wouldn't upload data! HELP!

Malcolm | Проверенный покупатель

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Hobby King FD-A Altimeter

Jun 28, 2020

I have installed Hobby King's FD-A altimeter and the software loads correctly on my PC. But cannot get it to work because it displays "Cannot find serial port" so it needs a driver for Windows 10, and I cannot find one on the internet. Suggested sites give me Error 404 and Error 500 and the Chinese only language displayed doesn't inspire confidence. Can anyone help or is this the end of the road for a product I was really looking forward to using?

BJ | Проверенный покупатель

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Can't get it to work yet

Sep 11, 2019

Don't know whether it works as can't download anything after using it yet.

BB Fire | Проверенный покупатель

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USB Faulty! No Driver on USB to link with PC

Nov 29, 2018

Got mine today but cannot link with PC as USB is faulty, and has no driver installed. Also unable to find driver support on HobbyKing website! It's useless without the driver. Very disappointed.

Jacky | Проверенный покупатель

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Great little toy

Jan 30, 2018

Works as promised.
No problems making the software work when following the links shown at upload files tab. Dongle needed driver update for windows 7 and software to be downloaded.

| Проверенный покупатель

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Certified Buyer Rated

Oct 21, 2016

spend one evening to get it working with, a lot of help was found by searching for FD-A altimeter with google

and using this driver for windows 10,

Martijn | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Jun 09, 2016

Fast delivery to the netherlands.
Works very good.
Had it working within an half hour.
Works fine on Windows 8, no problem installing divers and software.

Only things i don't like, I live in the netherlands, so I am always below 0 (sealevel)
I wist there was a way to calibrate it to a "zero" point, for instance, when you plug in the power, it wil automaticly start at zero altitude.

Using it in a dlg.

Jean-Philippe | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Sep 04, 2014

Parfait pour moi en usage sur fuses eau et sur le motoplaneur SkyEye.
Test jusque 300m d'altitude tout semble cohrent. Il donne aussi la temprature, test pendant un voyage en voiture, OK.
Il est tout petit et ne pse rien. Il est possible de monter une pile 3V a fonctionne parfaitement.
Le logiciel est relativement simple pas hyper intuitif mais on a vite compris qu'il faut importer et enregistrer les donnes avant de les afficher.

John | Проверенный покупатель

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Customer Rated

Aug 16, 2014

Brilliant, got it working no problem.
Use the files tab on this site to download the driver, and or software.
In windows open up devices, and you can see what com port is assigned (com 3 in my case)
Tested it walking up and down my stairs !!!, too dark now in UK to try it in our DLGS.

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