4.0mm Banana Safety Plug With 16AWG Silicone Wire (4pc)

4.0mm Banana Safety Plug With 16AWG Silicone Wire (4pc)
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If you have ever accidentally pulled the charge leads from your charger and had the two male pl;ugs short circuit, you will know the benefit of these leads. As soon as we saw them we said we have to get them in. These clever leads have a spring loaded sleeve that slides over the the banana plugs when they are removed from the charger making it impossible for them to make contact.
The Safety Banana plugs are supplied with 205mm 16AWG silicone wire and are pre-tinned and ready for a connector of your choice.
Cable Length: 205mm
Plug Type: 4mm
Weight: 25g (per pair)
Package Contains: 2 x Positive / ground