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Turnigy 360ml Transparent RC Fuel Tank w/Clunk Weight, Fill & Vent Nipples (Suits Gas & Nitro Fuels)

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Turnigy 360ml Transparent RC Fuel Tank w/Clunk Weight, Fill & Vent Nipples (Suits Gas & Nitro Fuels)


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A strong, flexible, transparent fuel tank that is suitable for most types of RC models. The fuel tank includes a machined metal cap with fuel feed, a flexible fuel feed pipe with clunk weight, and 2 factory-installed machined metal 90° hose attachment nipples. One of these is for filling the tank, and the other is used for pressure or venting. Each fuel tank comes with a Turnigy sticker that includes the capacity of the tank, this can be attached to the tank in a convenient position to remind you of its size. The fuel tank is suitable for use with both gas and nitro fuels.

Capacity: 360ml (12.17 fl oz)
Length: 170mm (6.7" inc feed nipple)
Width: 53mm (2.2")
Height: 55mm (2.3")
Suits: RC planes, boats, and vehicles
Fuels: Suitable for gas and nitro/glow

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Elijah | Comprador verificado

  • Overall
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Good and cheap

Nov 28, 2023

This is my first gas tank I've bought, and it seems to work just fine! it came with no damage and all the tubes are good.

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