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BMS-621高速サーボ6.4キロ/ .13sec / 41グラム

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BMS-621高速サーボ6.4キロ/ .13sec / 41グラム


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BMS-621高速サーボ6.4キロ/ .13sec / 41グラム
サーボはサーボがR / C高性能車のアプリケーション用に設計され、サーボ付属品パッケージに付属し、ヘビーデューティーサーボケースで作られています。防水柔軟なゴムでベアリングダブルボールは、そうでない場合はourputスプラインは双葉25の歯も同様です。
このサーボはまた、「ユニバーサルコネクタ」として知られるJR /ハイテックSコネクタが付属しています。でもこのサーボはJR /ハイテックSコネクタが付属して、このサーボはフタバ受信機と電気的に互換性があると思いました。
低信号でモータの4. 3極強いトルクが影響し、成功CE認証を取得します。

重量:41グラム/ 1.45オンス
外形寸法:40.5×20×38.5ミリメートル/ 1.60のx 0.78のx 1.54インチ
4.8V速度:無負荷で0.13秒/ 60°
6.0V速度:無負荷で0.10秒/ 60°
  • Servo トルク(キログラム) (分0.01キロ) 7.20
  • Servo スピード(秒/ 60deg ) 0.10
  • Servo A( MM ) 41.00
  • Servo B ( mm)と 41.00
  • Servo C ( mm)と 37.68
  • Servo D ( mm)と 21.00
  • Servo E ( mm)と 54.00
  • Servo F ( mm)と 27.00

Dimension Diagram Guide

  • attributeset-11



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Dolfie | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jun 30, 2014

This servo is noisy but thats ok for me.

Centers well end the servo arms are well build. I do not have the trouble that others seem to have, works fine. Time will tell.

Have a nice day

Buzzer | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Nov 12, 2013

I bought 4 of these. On first time powering up one burnt out immediately. The other three chatter and seemed very erratic. Threw them out immediately and put 4 x HiTech's in. Will NOT purchase these again.

Buzzer | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Oct 28, 2013

Purchased 4 to go with the SOAR 40 on recommendation of another poster. Somewhat disappointed, within 5 seconds of connecting one went up in smoke and stank something awful! The other three work but are quite noisy, although that doesn't worry me. Just hope to hell the three installed will not fail in flight - should have gone with Hi-Tech as I have had good service from them in the past. Oh well, you win some, you loose some - hopefully not!
Would NOT recommend these servos.

Perezio | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jul 30, 2013

Estoy gratamente impresionado con el servo, lo he comprado por tener un buen manejo del peso y velocidad para una Traxxas Slash 4x4 escala 1/10, si bien lo he usado poco tiempo (unos 5 das con 3 paquetes de bateras sobre 5000mah), ya lo he presionado en tierra y asfalto, funciona muy bien y responde correctamente, va increible con la Slash nunca ha aflojado en potencia, creo que es una buena opcin para un RC de trabajo duro en tiempo libre; an no podra dar una precepcin en carreras de touring 1/10 pero para tenerlo como backup por su precio tan econmico, creo que sera una buena opcin.

Guilherme | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

May 04, 2013

Excellent servo, very fast, strong. I have six servo in use and all are working fine. I recommend to buy. Five stars for sure.
Excelente servo, muito rpido, forte. Tenho seis servo em uso e todos esto funcionando muito bem. Recomendo a comprar. Cinco estrelas com certeza.

BASILIO | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Apr 13, 2013

Me dio muy mal resultado. Lo puse en un 26 cc en profundidad y con cinco vuelos a la basura. Dinero tirado

Nyana | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Sep 24, 2012

Nice servos A plusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplusplus

Arsya | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Feb 16, 2012

I'm very-very glad of thise servo! It is much torque and fast. Also it looks pretty good and have waterproofe protection, that makes it more cool

MaartenX | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Feb 15, 2012

On paper these servo's look good so I wanted to try them. I use these in a 3 meter. Swift Acro Glider and in a Slope PSS Spitfire. They work flawless, plenty torque and centre well. My next project is a 4 meter KA4 glider and I will use these servo's in this project as well. Value for money!

Alain | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Feb 02, 2012

Sur de 10 achet, 2 on bruls pour une raison inconnue lors du branchement. les autres fonctionnent trs bien depuis le dbut.

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