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Avios (PNF) KingTwin 1700 Esportivo/Escala Avião Turboélice Executivo (1700mm)

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Avios (PNF) KingTwin 1700 Esportivo/Escala Avião Turboélice Executivo (1700mm)


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399,99 US$
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Este modelo esportivo / em escala do Avios KingTwin 1700 de excelente aparência e voador é baseado em um pequeno turboélice duplo e lembra muito o tipo usado pelas companhias aéreas fretadas militares ou civis em todo o mundo. O esquema de cores simplista, mas impressionante, descreve o tipo de pintura comumente usada em hélices civis.

O KingTwin 1700 está repleto de recursos interessantes, incluindo luzes LED, retrai e abas divididas. O trem de força de 2 aerostar 3748-820KV sem escovas com ESCs Aerostar 40A foi escolhido pela equipe Avios após testes cuidadosos. Esta combinação de motores, ESCs, adereços contra-rotativos e uma bateria 4S LiPo provou ser a configuração ideal para potência e duração.

O KingTwin 1700 tem a capacidade de operar sem problemas em campos de grama baixa e plana e, claro, em superfícies de pista duras. Os flaps divididos permitem decolagens e pousos em escala, e as luzes LED visíveis à luz do dia adicionam aquele toque de realismo.

Para transporte, os painéis externos das asas apresentam um sistema de travamento exclusivo que permite montagem e remoção rápida e fácil. Este sistema também inclui um plugue e soquete de conexão / desconexão rápida para os servos e luzes LED. Ao longo do tempo, o KingTwin 1700 usa os servos Turnigy HXT900 muito populares e confiáveis ​​- esta é a primeira vez para um modelo Avios. Devido à baixa contagem de peças da robusta fuselagem de EPO, e sendo PNF, o KingTwin 1700 é muito rápido e simples de montar, a maioria foi pré-montada na fábrica.

O Avios KingTwin 1700 é fantástico para voar e tem uma aparência brilhante no ar. Possui excelente manuseio em baixa velocidade e, em alta velocidade, ele realmente se encaixa e se encaixa. É um verdadeiro prazer voar. Este impressionante modelo bimotor é uma adição valiosa ao hangar de qualquer modelador por sua aparência, facilidade de montagem e excelentes características de vôo.

• Um modelo esportivo / em escala de excelente aparência de um turboélice bimotor típico
• O trem de força é otimizado para desempenho e duração
• Trem de pouso retrátil, flaps divididos e luzes LED visíveis à luz do dia
• Pontas das asas destacáveis ​​exclusivas para fácil transporte
• Baixa contagem de peças para montagem fácil e rápida da fuselagem EPO
• Plug N Fly - motores, ESCs, servos HXT900 e luzes LED são pré-instalados na fábrica
• Excelentes características de vôo, especialmente em baixas velocidades

Tipo: Avios (PNF) KingTwin 1700 Sports / Scale Executive Turboprop Airplane
Envergadura: 1700mm
Comprimento: 1196mm
Peso de voo: 2985g (bateria inc)
Motor: 2 x Aerostar 3748-820KV brushless outrunner
ESC: 2 x Aerostar 40A sem escova
Servos: 7 x Turnigy HXT900
Hélices: rotação L / H de 1 x 3 pás, rotação R / H de 1 x 3 pás
Trem de pouso: 3 x retrátil sem servo

1 x fuselagem Avios KingTwin 1700 EPO
2 x Aerostar 3748-820KV brushless outrunner
2 x Aerostar 40A brushless ESC
7 x servo Turnigy HXT900
3 x trem de pouso retrátil sem servo com escala oleos
1 x LED sistema de LED visível à luz do dia
1 x conjunto de peças de escala
1 x conjunto de hastes e conectores.
1 x conjunto de parafusos sortidos
1 x guia de configuração de início rápido

Transmissor e receptor de 6 canais
Bateria LiPo / LiHv 4S 3000 ~ 4000mAh de 30C ou mais com XT60
Adaptador de bateria XT90 para XT60 para baterias equipadas com conectores XT90
Carregador de bateria LiPo adequado

Observação: um guia de instalação rápida está incluído em cada kit, uma cópia do manual de construção completo está disponível na guia "Arquivos".

  • IC / 2: Elec Electric
  • Motorsize ( diam -ou- cc) 37.00
  • Envergadura 1700.00
  • Length(mm) 1196.00
  • Avios (PNF) KingTwin 1700 Official Kit and Flight Review
  • Unboxing of the Avios (PNF) KingTwin 1700 by JohnVHRC.
  • Maiden Flight of the Avios (PNF) KingTwin 1700 by JohnVHRC.
  • GBLynden's RC Maiden Flight of the Avios (PNF) KingTwin 1700.
  • Maiden Flight of Avios KingTwin with Custom Paint Job
  • Official HobbyKing Video of the Unboxing and Assembly of the Avios (PNF) KingTwin 1700
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John | Comprador Verificado

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King Twin

Feb 02, 2025

Great Plane excellent value.

Juliaan | Comprador Verificado

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It fly's so nice I both a second one just in case .

Jan 22, 2025

Its a very nice flying plane ,the overall construction is good ,only the hinge surface of the flap is flimsy thin had to reinforce that with fiber tape .

Anthony | Comprador Verificado

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Fly beautifully

Aug 18, 2024

The plane I feel is a bit overpriced at 400 dollars. I had an issue on my maiden where the nose gear got stuck and would not come down Took care of that and after a few flights got it just right. Now it's a great flying plane and surprisingly easy to land. Looks great in the air.

Mark | Comprador Verificado

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Great Flyer and Great Looker - Props??

Mar 28, 2024

I bought one of these after seeing one fly at the field - I love twins! It performed well on a 4S3300 and 4S3700, it could use a slightly bigger battery too. After I broke a prop and found that replacements weren't available I 3D printed an adapter to accommodate Master Airscrew 11x7 3-blade props and it flies even better now.
You do need to shave the wing lock clip tabs until they will securely snap in place but that's the only setup issue I had.

Rocketboy1030 | Comprador Verificado

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Jan 20, 2023

wing tips have to be shaved or retainer tabs to lock the tips onto the main wing. Great deal on sale . Too bad replacement props are backordered.

joe d | Comprador Verificado

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just great

Jan 20, 2023

Bought on sale unreal deal very happy nice plane

Dell | Comprador Verificado

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Good but has qc issues

Jan 20, 2023

Went together easy. Props are flimsy and not I'm stock. .wheels are sketchy and not very strong. Wiring cover was not stuck on at the factory and blew off in mid air. On both the planes I bought. Had to rescue both. Other than that love it. Flys great...

Flydad | Comprador Verificado

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Great flyer

Jan 14, 2023

The king twin arrived quickly from USA warehouse.
Setup extremely easy.when I made my maiden flight, the the aircraft tracked down the runway perfectly.
After lift off the lower light/ wire cover flew off. Aircraft landed safely.second flight, landed and went onto the grass resulting in the steering rod bending.
Subsequent flights great. Bright LEDs show up great I bright daylight as well as dusk. This model is a keeper, it loves to fly even when on of the horizontal stabilizers departed in flight due to my improper gluing. She was still controllable and landed safely. WOO!
The only thing I wish is for spare props be in stock. The B17 (4 pack) props are a great substitute.

Dell | Comprador Verificado

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pretty good and good value but not for a beginner

Dec 28, 2022

1.Had to cut away some of the outer wing to make locks operate .
2.Props not available and break really easy had to get master airscrew props.
3.Gear worked intermittantly finaly replaced by HK after legal; threats..
4.Horizontal stabiliser wood insert broke immediatly on install had to make another new one..
5. +
Flys great after some self building and repair work that should have been taken care of at the factory..In general 8-10
Great price at the moment so i bought another for my grandson. It is what it is .. Grandpa Dell age 60 vetran pilot of 50 yrs...

Brad | Comprador Verificado

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KingTwin 1700, Super nice model

Dec 28, 2022

The Avios KingTwin arrived in perfect condition. Setup was not very difficult. Maiden flight required very little adjustment on trimming the aircraft. No Elevator to Flap mix needed. Very impressed with that. Plane looks and flys very well scale. I swapped out the stock wheels for Dave Brown lite wheels to help smooth out those occasional not so perfect landings. Nothing wrong with the stock wheels. This was just my personal preference for this model. This is not a speed demon by know means but has more than enough power to perform basic loops and rolls. I liked it so much I purchased a second one for backup. I highly recommend it. :)

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