2017 HobbyKing Wrap Up: Best Planes of the Year

2017 was a big year for planes as HobbyKing released some pretty remarkable products and they even upgraded some of my favourite models like the Teksumo and the H-King Bixler 3.

They've also shared some teasers of a new plane in collaboration with RC Groups, which I'm very much excited to use in the new year, so watch this space. Anyway, to wrap the year that was, here is a list of my personal favourite planes of this year. Feel free to let me know if you agree or disagree with any of the planes in this list and share your comments in the section below.

H-King Raven 1500 DLG Glider 1500mm (PNF)

The H-King Raven is a great option for pilots who love a discus launch glider. The stylish plane is lightweight so its perfect for carrying it to your local beach or park. It’s easy to assemble and is an ideal model for both beginner and advanced pilots alike.

Durafly Colour Tundra 1300mm (51”) Anniversary Edition (Purple/Gold)(PnF)

The ever-popular Durafly Colour Tundra now comes in an anniversary edition with vibrant colours. In addition to the changes made to the colour schemes, there are a few other changes made to this model that are worth noting. One of these changes is that the 40A ESC now has the ability to go in reverse at the flick of a switch. This is a great feature to have included as it makes the model more versatile. Additionally, the wheels are made from a new rubber compound which results in them being softer and its texture looks and feel a lot more lifelike and realistic.

Avios BushMule 1500mm (59”) (Red/Blue) (PnF)

Similar to the best-selling SkyMule, the Avios BushMule has been labelled the ‘workhorse of the sky’. The sturdy plane is strong enough to endure the rough terrain, water and snow. This is a plug and flies model which uses twin-powered motors to glide through the skies.

H-King Extra300 - Glue-N-Go Foamboard 830mm Kit

Glue-N-Go model kits are always great fun, especially the H-King Extra300. The one of a kind design is as easy to fly as it is to assemble. Crafted from 3mm Depron foam this model is exceptional for indoor aerobatic and F3P manoeuvres.

H-King SkySword 1200mm Blue 90mm EDF Jet (PNF)

The H-King SkySword is an impressive model that is available in both Plug-N-Fly (PNF) and Almost-Ready-To-Fly (ARF) modes that will soar through the skies with style and ease. It’s 10 blade fan creates a realistic jet engine noise for an enhanced flying experience.

H-King Bixler 3 Glider 1500mm(59”) PNF

Last, but certainly not least, is the new and improved H-King Bixler 3. This easy to assemble model is a great trainer plane because it is effortless to control and is relatively inexpensive. Additionally, it is excellent for any FPV users as the Bixler 3 now includes an FPV platform. The new FPV platform is sturdy and is a simple design, allowing you to attach your camera to either the nose or the canopy of the plane. This thoughtful upgrade will guarantee a fun time out flying. Did I miss out on mentioning your favorite plane of this year? Feel free to share your list of favorite planes below. By Rebecca

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