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Durafly EFX Racer (PNF) Orange Edition High Performance Sports Model 1100mm (43.7")

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Durafly EFX Racer (PNF) Orange Edition High Performance Sports Model 1100mm (43.7")


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The Durafly EFX Racer has been designed from the ground up to offer the speed (over 100 miles per hour) and strength normally reserved only for high-end full composite models, but with the handling and satisfaction, only a Durafly model can offer.

This 1100 millimeter (43.7 inches) span model boasts a huge list of high-performance features that set the EFX apart from the competition. The AeroStar 3536 1780KV brushless outrunner for only the best performance. The pre-installed AeroStar 60A ESC has been optimized to deliver smoothly the power you need when you want it and all control surfaces use high speed, high torque digital 9g servos (metal geared on the ailerons) together with ball link connectors to deliver true precision and control throughout the speed range.

The EFX Racer's high performance doesn't end with the electronics. The airframe has been engineered to be both rigid and lightweight, utilizing both glass and carbon fiber reinforcements throughout the model in combination with Super Compressed EPO foam and a highly polished surface finish to deliver the ultimate in performance in the air and the sleekest of looks on the ground. The EFX clips and screws together in minutes. Connect the control surfaces to the servos and install your own choice of receiver & LiPo pack and you are ready to fly!

Versatility is another of the design features of the EFX Racer. Right out of the box you're provided with two different power options, 8x6 for 3cell and 7x6.5 for 4cell. For good all-round sports performance, a 2200mAh 3S LiPo on the 8x6 will give good speed and is recommended for pilots less experienced with fast models. However, for true high speeds and power when you open the throttle, a 1800mAh 4S on the 7x6.5 is the winners' choice and will get you going over 100mph. Please note that only the props are supplied and not the batteries.

Complimenting the amazing speeds of the EFX is its stunning agility in the air. A simple under arm-hand launch at 3/4 throttle from standing gets the EFX in the air and you'll have unlimited vertical as soon as you open up to full (4S). A full house of controls (Aileron, Elevator, Rudder) gives the EFX remarkable aerobatics performance. Loops can be as BIG as you want them, rolls are very precise either fast or slow and the EFX will knife edge all day long! Thanks to the exceptionally strong airframe, high powered, high G maneuvers will not present a problem either. The EFX Racer will never fail you, but always leave you wanting more! It's not all about going fast and turning hard, you'll find the EFX handles exceptionally at slows speeds with both elegance and confidence-inspiring grace. This is especially true in landing where you'll find no hint of a stall and good control all the way down to the ground.

Whatever set-up you choose and however you prefer to fly, your EFX Racer will perform and deliver time and time again and always keeping you coming back for more.

Please Note: An FPV canopy and slope soaring cone are NOT supplied with this model.


• 100mph+ performance right out of the box (on 4S set-up).
• High-quality AeroStar Brushless Motor and ESC
• Powerful and fast 9g digital servos.
• Supplied with 8x6 propeller for 3S and 7x6.5 propeller for 4S set-ups.
• Super Compressed EPO foam construction.
• Glass and carbon fiber reinforcement throughout the airframe.
• No glue assembly. Just clicks and screws together in minutes.
• Ball link control system.
• Full complement of spare parts available.


Wingspan: 1100mm (43")
Length: 760mm (30.2")
Flying weight: 910g (32oz)
Motor: AeroStar 3536 1780KV Brushless Outrunner
Prop: 8x6 (3S) and 7x6.5 (4S) supplied
Battery: 1800mah 14.8V 4S (30C min) or 2200mah 11.1V 3S (30C min)
Servos: 4 x 9g digital servos (metal geared on ailerons)
ESC: AeroStar 60A
Controls: 4 Channel (Throttle, Ailerons, Elevator, Rudder)


6 ch receiver and transmitter
1800mAh 14.8V 4S (30C min) on 7" prop - 2200mAh 11.1V 3S (30C min) on 8" prop

Note: Manual can be found in the "Files" tab above.

  • IC/2:Elec Electric
  • Wingspan(mm) 1100.00
  • Length(mm) 760.00
  • Durafly EFX Racer 1100mm - HobbyKing Product Video
  • Durafly EFX Racer 1100mm - HobbyKing Product Profile
  • EFX Testflug
  • HobbyKing Review and Flight Demos of the Durafly PNF EFX Racer, and EFXTRA Racer.
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Bosros | Verified Buyer

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Very nice plane

May 18, 2022

Super vet vliegtuig. Ziet er strak uit en vliegt ook zo. Zweef vermogen is top. Vlieg hm met fpv, echt genieten

Highidle | Verified Buyer

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Nothing but quality.

Feb 23, 2022

This is one of the best racers I've ever flown. It's one of those planes that just doesn't want to come down. Between the price and the quality I've bought three of the five colors. Just two left for my collection.

fabryking | Verified Buyer

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Jan 27, 2022

modello veramente veloce e fatto molto bene

VOiD | Verified Buyer

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Dec 22, 2021

Brilliant plane! | Verified Buyer

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Acquisto consigliato

Dec 21, 2021

Il modello nel complesso è molto divertente e vola molto bene.Veloce e preciso.Purtroppo ci sono alcune cose da migliorare : il supporto motore e i servocomandi di coda e elevatore non bene incollati hanno provocato un crash. Ho tagliato ,aperto e reincollato completamente tutta la parte anteriore della fusoliera ,supporto motore compreso e ho migliorato il fissaggio dei servocomandi timone e elevatore.Inoltre ho incollato alla fusoliera le superfici alari dell'elevatore. Ora è davvero un piacere farlo volare.Anche le istruzioni di montaggio sono molto chiare.Nel complesso il mio giudizio è positivo, a patto che si correggono questi piccoli errori (che comunque credo sia normale che capitino - un aeromodello va' sempre ben controllato prima di ogni volo altrimenti il crash è dietro l'angolo)

Donald | Verified Buyer

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Dec 19, 2021

No manual included. The tail came snapped together. It was very difficult to unsnap the tail. when the rudder or elevator is moved the entire tail flexes. Two aileron servos got red hot- throw them out. And I'm not even done putting it together.

Donald | Verified Buyer

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Dec 19, 2021

No manual included. The tail came snapped together. It was very difficult to unsnap the tail. when the rudder or elevator is moved the entire tail flexes. Two aileron servos got red hot- throw them out. And I'm not even done putting it together.

David | Verified Buyer

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Super !

Dec 12, 2021

Excellent racer,la finition est bien,en 3 S ça envoi:)

Van Man | Verified Buyer

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Excellent and thrilling!

Dec 08, 2021

This plane is sweet. It is a good plane for learning to fly fast. On 3S it is quick, and it lets you feel things out. On 4S it is quite fast. I have flown it with no modifications on 5S - Yeee-Haaawww!!!!
Plane is nice stiff foam.
Watch for tip stalls when trying to land it slow. Flaperon set-up helps a bit, but otherwise just expect to bring it in a bit hot on landings.

ModHelic | Verified Buyer

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Dec 06, 2021

Déjà en 3S, ça traverse le ciel comme une fusée ! Bien conçu, bien réalisé ... une réussite. Mais attention aux décollages !

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EFX manual.pdf Download [2]
What is the correct Spinner setup? Manual says 2 piece Download [1]
EFXtra.pdf Download [1]
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